More salespeople join the hunt for a new job every day. As the number of salespeople looking for work peaks this fall, your team in charge of hiring sales will have its pick of great sales candidates perfect for your role.

But how do you keep your guard up during the interview process to ensure you find the right sales candidate for the job? Don’t let past hiring mistakes haunt your future.

Here are the three important steps to finding and hiring sales candidates this fall.

1. Investigate Deeply

With so many salespeople in the pool, your inbox will quickly fill with resumés. Before bringing a candidate in for an interview, investigate their resume to ensure they have experience and qualities relevant to your unique role, whether that’s prospecting or great relationship management skills. Dig deep.

2. Quantify & Qualify

Equipped with your job scorecard and a promising resume, measure your candidate’s experience in the skills most important to your job posting. Their resume might profess their ability to cold call, but when was the last time they made a call and how often were they contacting cold leads? Asking direct questions to qualify and quantify their experience goes a long way to finding the right sales hire.

3. Roleplay

Sales professionals aren’t afraid of a challenge. They may not have in-depth knowledge of your product or service, but testing their ability to think on their feet in an impromptu roleplaying session gives your star sales candidate a chance to shine. Look beyond their industry knowledge and focus on their intent and adaptability.

Ready to meet your next great sales hire? At Hire Me a Salesperson, we have decades of sales management and hiring sales experience. Contact us to learn more about how we guarantee great sales hires.

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