Back to school isn’t just for kids—it’s also the perfect time to get scholarly with your sales team and revisit the three most important sales skills: prospecting, qualifying and closing.

The sales equivalent of reading, writing and arithmetic, these three sales skills are the key to propelling your sales forward. Mind your P, Q, C’s:

1. Prospecting

Since search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) took off in the early 2000s, leading companies have invested big money in marketing teams and programs to drive traffic to your website and find new leads for your sales team.

Your marketing efforts may be working well, but they shouldn’t be solely relied upon. What happens if the water turns cloudy and the pipeline brings in low-quality leads? Refresh your star salespeople on the art of prospecting.

Asking clients for referrals, networking at conferences and trade shows, cold-calling potential clients and investing in a good list all are important prospecting skills for your sales team to master.

2. Qualifying

Marketing is everything up until the word, “Hello,” and sales is everything that comes after.

This symbiotic relationship between sales and marketing can spark friction when it comes time to qualify. The solution? A well-defined and often-revisited ideal customer profile.

Equipped with a current profile that’s approved by both marketing and sales leaders, the marketing team can create effective funnels that bring more quality leads to your sales team.

3. Closing

Your star salesperson is only as strong as their closing line.

The best salespeople are experts at taking control of the conversation with direct language and asking questions that confirm the prospect’s interest. A clear yes or no saves everyone time by ensuring your both your salesperson and your client are ready to move forward.

Looking for more sales skills advice? At Hire Me A Salesperson, we love helping organizations by putting the right people on your sales team. Contact us online or at 1-888-966-2284 to get started.

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